High holidays Appeal
Repentance, Prayer and Charity
The High Holiday liturgy teaches us of the three channels we can use to ensure a good New Year: 1-Prayer. 2-Repentance. 3-Charity.
While we all spend much time in prayer and repentance, I would like to ask for you help in the third category - charity.
This time of year, when we turn to G-d asking for a healthy and prosperous new year, is also the time when we give Charity.
Your generous donation will secure the vibrant Jewish future of Singer Island & the Beaches communities.
This is the time of year that we turn to you, and ask for your support so we can continue offering a vibrant and welcoming community center for every person who walks through our doors, and to help those in need.
Thank you for your support and partnership!
In the merit of your tzedakah at the start of a new Jewish year, may you be blessed in abundance above and beyond! May all your prayers and wishes be fulfilled for the good!
L'shana Tova! Wishing you and your dear family a happy, healthy and sweet new year!
Rabbi Berel Namdar
Chabad of Singer Island & the Beaches